/* -*-C-*- ==================================================================== mod_lisp2 is a rewrite of mod_lisp for Apache2. It is based on mod_lisp and the example module from the apache distribution. It is distributed under a BSD style license Copyright 2000-2004 Marc Battyani. Copyright 2003,2004 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ==================================================================== */ /* ==================================================================== This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see . Portions of this software are based upon public domain software originally written at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. ==================================================================== */ /* Change log: Set r->mtime directly -- Dr. Edmund Weitz 2005-06-07 Read data from Lisp even if it's a HEAD request Added "Lisp-Content-Length" header (send after "Content-Length" header to overwrite its value) -- Dr. Edmund Weitz 2004-12-27 Fixed lisp_handler to allow for no Content-Length header -- Tim Howe 2004-11-15 Thread safe socket reuse. -- Marc Battyani 2004-11-11 Some minor additions for TBNL. -- Dr. Edmund Weitz 2004-11-09 Initial rewrite of mod_lisp for Apache2 -- Chris Hanson 2003-12-02 */ #define VERSION_STRING "1.2" #define READ_TIMEOUT 60000000 #include "httpd.h" #include "http_config.h" #include "http_core.h" #include "http_log.h" #include "http_main.h" #include "http_protocol.h" #include "http_request.h" #include "util_script.h" #include "apr_date.h" #include "apr_strings.h" #include #include #include module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA lisp_module; #define RELAY_ERROR(expr) do \ { \ while (1) \ { \ apr_status_t RELAY_ERROR_status = (expr); \ if (APR_STATUS_IS_SUCCESS (RELAY_ERROR_status)) \ break; \ if (!APR_STATUS_IS_EINTR (RELAY_ERROR_status)) \ return (RELAY_ERROR_status); \ } \ } while (0) #define ML_LOG_ERROR(status, r, msg) \ (ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, (status), \ ((r) -> server), (msg))) #define ML_LOG_PERROR(r, msg) \ ML_LOG_ERROR ((APR_FROM_OS_ERROR (apr_get_os_error ())), (r), (msg)) #define RELAY_HTTP_ERROR(expr) do \ { \ int RELAY_HTTP_ERROR_value = (expr); \ if (RELAY_HTTP_ERROR_value != OK) \ return (RELAY_HTTP_ERROR_value); \ } while (0) #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG # define ML_LOG_DEBUG(r, msg) \ (ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, APR_SUCCESS, \ ((r) -> server), (msg))) #else # define ML_LOG_DEBUG(r, msg) #endif typedef struct lisp_cfg { const char * server_address; apr_port_t server_port; const char * server_id; apr_socket_t * server_socket; unsigned int server_specified_p : 1, server_socket_safe_p : 1; } lisp_cfg_t; #define CFG(c) ((lisp_cfg_t *) (c)) #define CFG_REF(c, f) ((c) -> f) #define SERVER_ADDRESS(c) CFG_REF (c, server_address) #define SERVER_PORT(c) CFG_REF (c, server_port) #define SERVER_ID(c) CFG_REF (c, server_id) #define SERVER_SPECIFIED_P(c) CFG_REF (c, server_specified_p) #define SERVER_SOCKET(c) CFG_REF (c, server_socket) #define SERVER_SOCKET_SAFE_P(c) CFG_REF (c, server_socket_safe_p) typedef struct input_buffer { char data [4096]; const char * start; const char * end; } input_buffer_t; typedef const char * header_map_t (const char *); /* Global variables */ static apr_pool_t * socket_pool = 0; /* Forward references */ static apr_status_t close_lisp_socket (lisp_cfg_t * cfg); static apr_status_t copy_headers (apr_table_t * table, header_map_t * map_name, apr_socket_t * socket); static header_map_t map_env_var_to_lisp_header; static header_map_t map_header_to_lisp_header; static int write_client_data (request_rec * r, const char * data, unsigned int n_bytes); /* Configuration data */ static lisp_cfg_t * make_lisp_cfg (apr_pool_t * pool) { return (apr_pcalloc (pool, (sizeof (lisp_cfg_t)))); } static lisp_cfg_t * default_lisp_cfg (apr_pool_t * pool) { lisp_cfg_t * cfg = (make_lisp_cfg (pool)); (SERVER_ADDRESS (cfg)) = (apr_pstrdup (pool, "")); (SERVER_PORT (cfg)) = 3000; (SERVER_ID (cfg)) = (apr_pstrdup (pool, "apache")); (SERVER_SPECIFIED_P (cfg)) = 0; (SERVER_SOCKET (cfg)) = 0; (SERVER_SOCKET_SAFE_P (cfg)) = 0; return (cfg); } static lisp_cfg_t * copy_lisp_cfg (apr_pool_t * pool, lisp_cfg_t * cfg) { lisp_cfg_t * copy = (make_lisp_cfg (pool)); (SERVER_ADDRESS (copy)) = (SERVER_ADDRESS (cfg)); (SERVER_PORT (copy)) = (SERVER_PORT (cfg)); (SERVER_ID (copy)) = (SERVER_ID (cfg)); (SERVER_SPECIFIED_P (copy)) = (SERVER_SPECIFIED_P (cfg)); return (copy); } void check_cfg_for_reuse(lisp_cfg_t *local_cfg, lisp_cfg_t *cfg) { if (strcmp((SERVER_ADDRESS (local_cfg)), (SERVER_ADDRESS (cfg))) || (SERVER_PORT (local_cfg)) != (SERVER_PORT (cfg)) || strcmp((SERVER_ID (local_cfg)), (SERVER_ID (cfg)))) { (SERVER_ADDRESS (local_cfg)) = (SERVER_ADDRESS (cfg)); (SERVER_PORT (local_cfg)) = (SERVER_PORT (cfg)); (SERVER_ID (local_cfg)) = (SERVER_ID (cfg)); (SERVER_SPECIFIED_P (local_cfg)) = (SERVER_SPECIFIED_P (cfg)); (SERVER_SOCKET_SAFE_P (local_cfg)) = 0; } } #if APR_HAS_THREADS static apr_threadkey_t *cfg_key; static lisp_cfg_t * local_lisp_cfg (lisp_cfg_t *cfg) { lisp_cfg_t *local_cfg = NULL; apr_threadkey_private_get((void**)&local_cfg, cfg_key); if (local_cfg == NULL) { local_cfg = copy_lisp_cfg (socket_pool, cfg); apr_threadkey_private_set((void*)local_cfg, cfg_key); return local_cfg; } check_cfg_for_reuse(local_cfg, cfg); return local_cfg; } #else lisp_cfg_t *local_cfg; local_lisp_cfg (lisp_cfg_t *cfg) { if (!local_cfg) local_cfg = copy_lisp_cfg (socket_pool, cfg); check_cfg_for_reuse(local_cfg, cfg); return local_cfg; } #endif static void * lisp_create_dir_config (apr_pool_t * pool, char * directory) { return (default_lisp_cfg (pool)); } static void * lisp_create_server_config (apr_pool_t * pool, server_rec * s) { return (default_lisp_cfg (pool)); } static void * lisp_merge_config (apr_pool_t * pool, void * base_cfg, void * add_cfg) { return ((SERVER_SPECIFIED_P (CFG (add_cfg))) ? (copy_lisp_cfg (pool, add_cfg)) : (SERVER_SPECIFIED_P (CFG (base_cfg))) ? (copy_lisp_cfg (pool, base_cfg)) : (default_lisp_cfg (pool))); } static const char * lisp_set_server (cmd_parms * cmd, void * cfg_void, const char * server_address, const char * server_port, const char * server_id) { lisp_cfg_t * cfg = cfg_void; long port; { char * end; port = (strtol (server_port, (&end), 0)); if (((*end) != '\0') || (port < 0)) return ("malformed server port"); } (SERVER_ADDRESS (cfg)) = (apr_pstrdup ((cmd->pool), server_address)); (SERVER_PORT (cfg)) = port; (SERVER_ID (cfg)) = (apr_pstrdup ((cmd->pool), server_id)); (SERVER_SPECIFIED_P (cfg)) = 1; close_lisp_socket (cfg); return (0); } /* Socket to Lisp process */ static apr_status_t open_lisp_socket (lisp_cfg_t * cfg) { apr_sockaddr_t * addr; apr_socket_t * socket; if ((SERVER_SOCKET (cfg)) != 0) { if (SERVER_SOCKET_SAFE_P (cfg)) return (APR_SUCCESS); RELAY_ERROR (close_lisp_socket (cfg)); } RELAY_ERROR (apr_sockaddr_info_get ((&addr), (cfg->server_address), APR_UNSPEC, (cfg->server_port), 0, socket_pool)); RELAY_ERROR (apr_socket_create ((&socket), AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, socket_pool)); /* Should be apr_socket_connect */ RELAY_ERROR (apr_connect (socket, addr)); { input_buffer_t * buffer = (apr_palloc (socket_pool, (sizeof (input_buffer_t)))); (buffer -> start) = (buffer -> data); (buffer -> end) = (buffer -> data); RELAY_ERROR (apr_socket_data_set (socket, buffer, "input-buffer", 0)); } (SERVER_SOCKET (cfg)) = socket; (SERVER_SOCKET_SAFE_P (cfg)) = 0; return (APR_SUCCESS); } static apr_status_t close_lisp_socket (lisp_cfg_t * cfg) { if (SERVER_SOCKET (cfg)) { RELAY_ERROR (apr_socket_close (SERVER_SOCKET (cfg))); (SERVER_SOCKET (cfg)) = 0; } return (APR_SUCCESS); } static apr_status_t write_lisp_data (apr_socket_t * socket, const char * data, unsigned int n_bytes) { const char * p = data; apr_size_t n1 = n_bytes; while (1) { apr_size_t n2 = n1; /* Should be apr_socket_send */ RELAY_ERROR (apr_send (socket, p, (&n2))); if (n2 == n1) return (APR_SUCCESS); p += n2; n1 -= n2; } } static apr_status_t write_lisp_line (apr_socket_t * socket, const char * data) { RELAY_ERROR (write_lisp_data (socket, data, (strlen (data)))); RELAY_ERROR (write_lisp_data (socket, "\n", 1)); return (APR_SUCCESS); } static apr_status_t write_lisp_header (apr_socket_t * socket, const char * name, const char * value) { RELAY_ERROR (write_lisp_line (socket, name)); RELAY_ERROR (write_lisp_line (socket, value)); return (APR_SUCCESS); } static apr_status_t get_input_buffer (apr_socket_t * socket, input_buffer_t ** buffer_r) { return (apr_socket_data_get (((void **) buffer_r), "input-buffer", socket)); } static apr_status_t fill_input_buffer (apr_socket_t * socket) { input_buffer_t * buffer; apr_size_t length; RELAY_ERROR (get_input_buffer (socket, (&buffer))); RELAY_ERROR (((length = (sizeof (buffer->data))), (apr_recv (socket, (buffer->data), (&length))))); (buffer->start) = (buffer->data); (buffer->end) = ((buffer->data) + length); if (length == 0) (buffer->start) += 1; return (APR_SUCCESS); } static apr_status_t read_lisp_line (apr_socket_t * socket, char * s, unsigned int len) { input_buffer_t * buffer; char * scan_output = s; char * end_output = (scan_output + (len - 1)); unsigned int n_pending_returns = 0; RELAY_ERROR (get_input_buffer (socket, (&buffer))); while (1) { if ((buffer->start) == (buffer->end)) RELAY_ERROR (fill_input_buffer (socket)); if ((buffer->start) > (buffer->end)) { if (scan_output == s) return (APR_EOF); goto done; } while (((buffer->start) < (buffer->end)) && (scan_output < end_output)) { char c = (*(buffer->start)++); if (c == '\n') { if (n_pending_returns > 0) n_pending_returns -= 1; goto done; } if (c == '\r') n_pending_returns += 1; else { while ((n_pending_returns > 0) && (scan_output < end_output)) { (*scan_output++) = '\r'; n_pending_returns -= 1; } if (scan_output == end_output) goto done; (*scan_output++) = c; } } } done: while ((n_pending_returns > 0) && (scan_output < end_output)) { (*scan_output++) = '\r'; n_pending_returns -= 1; } (*scan_output) = '\0'; return (APR_SUCCESS); } /* Request handler */ #define CVT_ERROR(expr, msg) do \ { \ apr_status_t CVT_ERROR_status = (expr); \ if (!APR_STATUS_IS_SUCCESS (CVT_ERROR_status)) \ { \ ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, CVT_ERROR_status, \ (r->server), "error %s", msg); \ close_lisp_socket (cfg); \ return (HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); \ } \ } while (0) static int lisp_handler (request_rec * r) { lisp_cfg_t * cfg = (ap_get_module_config ((r->per_dir_config), (&lisp_module))); int content_length = (-1); int keep_socket_p = 0; apr_socket_t * socket; cfg = local_lisp_cfg(cfg); if ((strcmp ((r->handler), "lisp-handler")) != 0) return (DECLINED); /* Open a connection to the Lisp process. */ ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "open lisp connection"); CVT_ERROR ((open_lisp_socket (cfg)), "opening connection to Lisp"); (SERVER_SOCKET_SAFE_P (cfg)) = 0; socket = (SERVER_SOCKET (cfg)); /* Remove any timeout that might be left over from earlier. */ ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "clear socket timeout"); CVT_ERROR ((apr_socket_timeout_set (socket, (-1))), "clearing read timeout"); /* Convert environment variables to headers and send them. */ ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "write env-var headers"); ap_add_cgi_vars (r); ap_add_common_vars (r); if ((r->subprocess_env) != 0) CVT_ERROR ((copy_headers ((r->subprocess_env), map_env_var_to_lisp_header, socket)), "writing to Lisp"); /* Send this before client headers so ASSOC can be used to grab it without worrying about some joker sending a server-id header of his own. (Robert Macomber) */ ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "write headers"); CVT_ERROR ((write_lisp_header (socket, "server-id", (cfg->server_id))), "writing to Lisp"); CVT_ERROR ((write_lisp_header (socket, "server-baseversion", AP_SERVER_BASEVERSION)), "writing to Lisp"); CVT_ERROR ((write_lisp_header (socket, "modlisp-version", VERSION_STRING)), "writing to Lisp"); CVT_ERROR ((write_lisp_header (socket, "modlisp-major-version", "2")), "writing to Lisp"); /* Send all the remaining headers. */ if ((r->headers_in) != 0) CVT_ERROR ((copy_headers ((r->headers_in), map_header_to_lisp_header, socket)), "writing to Lisp"); /* Send the end-of-headers marker. */ ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "write end-of-headers"); CVT_ERROR ((write_lisp_line (socket, "end")), "writing to Lisp"); /* Send the request entity. */ RELAY_HTTP_ERROR (ap_setup_client_block (r, REQUEST_CHUNKED_DECHUNK)); if (ap_should_client_block (r)) { char buffer [4096]; ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "write entity"); while (1) { long n_read = (ap_get_client_block (r, buffer, (sizeof (buffer)))); if (n_read < 0) { ML_LOG_PERROR (r, "error reading from client"); close_lisp_socket (cfg); return (HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } if (n_read == 0) break; { apr_status_t status = (write_lisp_data (socket, buffer, n_read)); if (!APR_STATUS_IS_SUCCESS (status)) { while ((ap_get_client_block (r, buffer, (sizeof (buffer)))) > 0) ; ML_LOG_ERROR (status, r, "writing to Lisp"); close_lisp_socket (cfg); return (HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } } } } /* Set up read timeout so we don't hang forever if Lisp is wedged. */ ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "set socket timeout"); CVT_ERROR ((apr_socket_timeout_set (socket, READ_TIMEOUT)), "setting read timeout"); /* Read the headers and process them. */ ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "read headers"); while (1) { char header_name [4096]; char header_value [MAX_STRING_LEN]; CVT_ERROR ((read_lisp_line (socket, header_name, (sizeof (header_name)))), "reading from Lisp"); if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "end")) == 0) break; CVT_ERROR ((read_lisp_line (socket, header_value, (sizeof (header_value)))), "reading from Lisp"); if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "content-type")) == 0) { char * tmp = (apr_pstrdup ((r->pool), header_value)); ap_content_type_tolower (tmp); (r->content_type) = tmp; } else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "status")) == 0) { (r->status) = (atoi (header_value)); (r->status_line) = (apr_pstrdup ((r->pool), header_value)); } else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "location")) == 0) apr_table_set ((r->headers_out), header_name, header_value); else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "content-length")) == 0) { apr_table_set ((r->headers_out), header_name, header_value); content_length = (atoi (header_value)); } else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "lisp-content-length")) == 0) { content_length = (atoi (header_value)); } else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "last-modified")) == 0) { time_t mtime = (apr_date_parse_http (header_value)); r->mtime = mtime; ap_set_last_modified (r); } else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "keep-socket")) == 0) keep_socket_p = (atoi (header_value)); else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "log-emerg")) == 0) ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_EMERG, APR_SUCCESS, (r->server), "%s", header_value); else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "log-alert")) == 0) ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ALERT, APR_SUCCESS, (r->server), "%s", header_value); else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "log-crit")) == 0) ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_CRIT, APR_SUCCESS, (r->server), "%s", header_value); else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "log-error")) == 0) ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, APR_SUCCESS, (r->server), "%s", header_value); else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "log-warning")) == 0) ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, APR_SUCCESS, (r->server), "%s", header_value); else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "log-notice")) == 0) ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOTICE, APR_SUCCESS, (r->server), "%s", header_value); else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "log-info")) == 0) ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, APR_SUCCESS, (r->server), "%s", header_value); else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "log-debug")) == 0) ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, (r->server), "%s", header_value); else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "log")) == 0) ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, APR_SUCCESS, (r->server), "%s", header_value); else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "note")) == 0) { char * p = (strchr (header_value, ' ')); if (p != 0) { (*p++) = '\0'; apr_table_setn ((r->notes), (apr_pstrdup ((r->pool), header_value)), (apr_pstrdup ((r->pool), p))); } } else if ((strcasecmp (header_name, "set-cookie")) == 0) { apr_table_add ((r->headers_out), header_name, header_value); } else apr_table_set ((r->headers_out), header_name, header_value); } /* Copy the reply entity from Lisp to the client... */ if (content_length > 0) { unsigned int n_read = 0; input_buffer_t * buffer; ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "read entity"); CVT_ERROR ((get_input_buffer (socket, (&buffer))), "reading from Lisp"); while ((buffer->start) <= (buffer->end)) { unsigned int n_bytes = ((buffer->end) - (buffer->start)); n_read += n_bytes; if ((content_length >= 0) && (n_read > content_length)) { n_bytes -= (n_read - content_length); n_read -= (n_read - content_length); } /* ...unless it's a HEAD request. */ if (!r->header_only && !write_client_data (r, (buffer->start), n_bytes)) { close_lisp_socket (cfg); return (HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } (buffer->start) += n_bytes; if (n_read == content_length) break; apr_status_t fill_status = fill_input_buffer (socket); if ((fill_status == APR_EOF) && (content_length < 0)) break; else CVT_ERROR (fill_status, "reading from Lisp"); } } if ((content_length < 0) || (!keep_socket_p)) CVT_ERROR ((close_lisp_socket (cfg)), "closing connection to Lisp"); else (SERVER_SOCKET_SAFE_P (cfg)) = 1; ML_LOG_DEBUG (r, "request finished"); return (OK); } static apr_status_t copy_headers (apr_table_t * table, header_map_t * map_name, apr_socket_t * socket) { const apr_array_header_t * h = (apr_table_elts (table)); const apr_table_entry_t * scan = ((apr_table_entry_t *) (h->elts)); const apr_table_entry_t * end = (scan + (h->nelts)); while (scan < end) { const char * name = ((*map_name) (scan->key)); if (name != 0) RELAY_ERROR (write_lisp_header (socket, name, (scan->val))); scan += 1; } return (APR_SUCCESS); } static const char * map_env_var_to_lisp_header (const char * var) { const char * plist [] = { "REQUEST_URI", "url", "CONTENT_TYPE", "content-type", "CONTENT_LENGTH", "content-length", "REQUEST_METHOD", "method", "REMOTE_ADDR", "remote-ip-addr", "REMOTE_PORT", "remote-ip-port", "SERVER_ADDR", "server-ip-addr", "SERVER_PORT", "server-ip-port", "SERVER_PROTOCOL", "server-protocol", "SCRIPT_FILENAME", "script-filename", "SSL_SESSION_ID", "ssl-session-id", 0 }; const char ** p = plist; if ((var == 0) || ((strncmp (var, "HTTP_", 5)) == 0)) return (0); while (1) { const char * v = (*p++); if (v == 0) return (0); if ((strcmp (v, var)) == 0) return (*p); p += 1; } } static const char * map_header_to_lisp_header (const char * name) { return (((name != 0) && ((strcasecmp (name, "end")) == 0)) ? "end-header" : name); } static int write_client_data (request_rec * r, const char * data, unsigned int n_bytes) { while (n_bytes > 0) { int n = (ap_rwrite (data, n_bytes, r)); if (n < 0) { ML_LOG_PERROR (r, "error writing to client"); return (0); } n_bytes -= n; data += n; } return (1); } /* Module setup */ static int lisp_post_config (apr_pool_t * cfg_pool, apr_pool_t * log_pool, apr_pool_t * temp_pool, server_rec * s) { ap_add_version_component (cfg_pool, "mod_lisp2/" VERSION_STRING); return (OK); } static apr_status_t destroy_socket_pool (void * dummy) { #if APR_HAS_THREADS apr_threadkey_private_delete(cfg_key); #endif apr_pool_destroy (socket_pool); socket_pool = 0; return (APR_SUCCESS); } static void lisp_child_init (apr_pool_t * pool, server_rec * s) { if (APR_STATUS_IS_SUCCESS (apr_pool_create ((&socket_pool), 0))) { apr_pool_cleanup_register (pool, 0, destroy_socket_pool, destroy_socket_pool); #if APR_HAS_THREADS apr_threadkey_private_create(&cfg_key, NULL, socket_pool); #endif } } static const command_rec lisp_command_handlers [] = { AP_INIT_TAKE3 ("LispServer", lisp_set_server, 0, OR_ALL, "The Lisp server name, port and ID string." " Example: LispServer 3000 \"apache\""), {0} }; static void register_hooks (apr_pool_t * pool) { ap_hook_post_config (lisp_post_config, 0, 0, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE); ap_hook_child_init (lisp_child_init, 0, 0, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE); ap_hook_handler (lisp_handler, 0, 0, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE); } module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA lisp_module = { STANDARD20_MODULE_STUFF, lisp_create_dir_config, /* create per-directory config structures */ lisp_merge_config, /* merge per-directory config structures */ lisp_create_server_config, /* create per-server config structures */ lisp_merge_config, /* merge per-server config structures */ lisp_command_handlers, register_hooks };